Thursday 28 December 2017

10 Benefits Of Sleeping Naked You Probably Didn’t Know (read more)

Sleeping is one of the most important things we do every
night. Getting the right amount of sleep has an untold
number of health benefits and not getting enough sleep is
a serious problem in many countries around the world.
Did you know that you can get additional benefits by
sleeping naked? Here are some benefits of sleeping in the
When you don’t have to worry about sleeping in clothes,
things start to get easier. You don’t have to buy pajamas,
which can save you money. You have less clothes to
wash and less clothes to put away. You may have to
clean your bed sheets more often, but not nearly as often
as you’d have to wash your pajamas when you run out.
Some people get off of work, change into their pajamas,
and use this as an excuse to stay home the rest of the
evening. This can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle,
which has been attributed to things like weight gain.
When you keep your regular clothes on, you tend to go
out more often and that’s a good thing.
Just imagine the feeling of laying in bed naked. You’re
free of your pants and underwear. Women, you’re not
wearing a constrictive bra. It’s just you sandwiched
between two cool sheets. The feeling just makes you
want to smile and it makes you feel more free. Everyone
can use that kind of good feeling every now and then, and
it may even help you be happier as a person.
If you’re married, or living with your significant other,
sleeping naked gives a greater chance of skin-on-skin
contact, especially when it comes to cuddling. This kind
of contact can also lead to a more active sex life. All of
this releases copious amounts of oxytocin, which is the
neurotransmitter that helps you feel those good feelings
about your significant other .
Let’s revisit the scenario I described above. There are no
drawstrings or clothes getting tangled in sheets. You
don’t have to worry about shirts getting twisted. All of
these distractions go away when you sleep naked and it
may help you get better, deeper sleep. You don’t need
science to tell you that better, deeper sleep only helps you
be healthier.
For once your body gets to breathe. Your private parts,
armpits, and feet are generally restricted all day and are
often covered by multiple layers, even in the summer
time. Give those parts a chance to air out and breathe.
This can lower the risk of skin diseases, like athlete’s
foot, that result from wet, restricted skin.
Cortisol is a very strange chemical in the body but it can
do a lot of damage. When you sleep naked, it helps keep
your body temperature at the optimal ranges so your
body can better create cortisol. If you sleep overheated
your cortisol levels tend to stay high, even after you wake
up. This can lead to increased anxiety, cravings for bad
food, weight gain, and more terrible things. Sleep naked
so you can keep your body temperature down and sleep
well so your body can properly produce and regulate
Continuing along that same vein, keeping your sleeping
environment below 70 degrees (F) every night can help
your body regulate its melatonin and growth hormone
levels. These chemicals help the body do things like
prevent aging and are essential to good health . When you
sleep in clothes, your body heats up and prevents
effective use of these hormones. In other words, sleeping
with clothes on makes you grow old faster.
For men, the cooler sleeping conditions allows your testes
to remain at a cooler temperature. This helps keep your
sperm healthy and your reproductive systems functioning
as normal. For women, the cooler and more airy sleeping
conditions can actually help prevent yeast infections.
Yeast grows better in warm, moist conditions. When it’s
cooler and dryer, the growth of yeast is prevented.
Summertime is a tricky time to get good sleep. If you
don’t have air conditioning, then you may find your
bedroom a bit stuffy at night. Shedding those bedtime
clothes can help the bedroom feel more comfortable. You
may even be able to turn the A/C off on those cooler
nights, which can save you a few bucks on your
electricity bill. Don’t wake up drenched in sweat again
because your thermostat is downstairs and the hot air
expands up to your bedroom where the thermostat can’t
read the warm temperatures.
With these tips in mind, it’s time to start taking off your
clothes at night! Of course, there are times where clothes
are preferable. If you are ill or it’s cold outside, then you
should sleep with clothes on to help you stay warm and
prevent further illness. Otherwise, go commando!

Credit: Joseph Hindy

Wednesday 27 December 2017

Unbelievable! 7 Cool Tricks & Uses of Your Android Camera

Most of the people use their smartphone’s camera just to take pictures or selfies. But there are so many things you can do with your Android camera. A lot of people are unaware of these uses. Your camera is an amazing tool which can make your digital life better. So we are here with some cool uses of the Android camera. Let’s check out these tricks and uses.



You can use your Android camera as a scanner to scan any document. All you need to do is install a proper application and there you go. Though the quality will not be same as compared to real scanner machine but this is a much faster and easy way of scanning. You can download CamScanner application to start scanning.


You can use your Android camera to scan a bar code labelled on any packet. Yes! You heard right. Your phone’s camera is not only used for capturing pictures or selfies. You can use it to scan any barcode and get whole information hidden behind the bar code. Amazon app provides this feature to their customers. If you have Amazon app in your mobile then you can scan the barcode using that app. Otherwise, you can download Barcode Scanner application here.


You can use your Android camera as a searching device also. In other words, you can search your nearby places using your smartphone’s camera. Street Lens is an augmented reality application which helps you to find nearby ATMs, Hotels, Gas Station, transport, police station and other points of interest. You can download this app from Google play store or directly by clicking on the B.utton below.


You can use your Android camera to search a painting, landmark, QR or barcode, or any other image. If Google finds the data about the image in its database, it will show you the result. Only you have to do is install Google Goggles in your Android Smartphone. Just scan the image and Google will do the remaining work. You can download this app from play store or directly by clicking the B.utton below.


Using Google translate, you can translate 103 languages. But what if we say you can translate from your Android camera also. Yes, it is possible. You need scan an image with some text on it. Select the text you want to translate and Google will translate those words for you. You can download Google Translate from play store or directly by clicking on the B.utton below.


You can get the photo of that person who tries to unlock your phone while you are not there. Lockwatch application emails you when someone tries to unlock your phone in your absence. When a person tries to unlock your phone with a wrong code, the photo of that person taken by the front camera of your Android smartphone and sent to your email. You can find this application on play store or directly download it by click on the B.utton below.


You can use your spare old smartphone as a sophisticated security camera. It provides live streaming and motion detection technology to monitor any unusual activities happening. You can download the Manything home security camera application from play store or directly by clicking on the B.utton below.

Use these cool Android camera application to make your digital life better. Hope this article helped! Please share this article if you find it useful. Also, share your views and queries in the comment section belo

Seven Ways to Avoid Missing Calls (N0. 7 Is Very Difficult)

If you have been missing calls from people without any measure of stopping it, these are ways you could ameliorate the situation easily.
The mobile phone is a fundamental part of our everyday life as a crucial tool for business, communications and, practically, every other facet of interpersonal interaction. Someone dials your phone number and you are connected within seconds to communicate.
But what happens when you are not available to take the call? Research shows that in the corporate space, roughly 80 per cent of all communications take place over the phone, and about 85 per cent of people whose calls are not answered will not call back. It can be a major setback when a person misses an important call. However, some steps can be taken so as not to “miss” a call.
Some of these steps are:
(1) Install a missed call and voicemail app
There are apps that help you keep track of all your incoming calls, especially those calls that go unanswered. These apps also serve as a voicemail service for you. A very good example of such an app is Kirusa’s InstaVoice app. InstaVoice notifies you of all missed calls as well as allows your callers to leave you voicemails when you are unavailable to take the call for any reason.
The best part is that even when your phone is turned off, and calls are attempted to your mobile number, the app will notify of such calls immediately you turn on your phone, and you can easily call back such contacts or numbers that tried calling you. Additionally, it has a chat platform where you can have conversations via text, voice notes, and pictures. It can be downloaded on Google Play app store, Apple Store, BlackBerry World, and Amazon Alexa. With apps like these, the agony of missing calls from clients, friends, family, colleagues, business partners, etc, and its inherent opportunities are eliminated.
(2) Don’t leave your phone in silent mode
Never leave your mobile phone in silent mode when expecting important calls. Silent mode is a mobile phone sound configuration that shuts down all sound on the phone, including ringer and notification sounds. What this means is that when the silent mode is activated, you will not hear any call come in except if you happen to look at the phone by chance. To remove this setting, go to Settings > Sound Profile/Sound Settings, then change from ‘Silent’ to ‘General’ setting. Or just press down the ‘Volume’ up B.utton on your phone.
(3) Use notification flash
Your phone’s back camera light can do more than just make your pictures look great. It can also alert you when you download calls by flashing on and off repeatedly. This feature would definitely come in handy when phone goes on silent mode or is far from your reach but within sight. It is also very valuable to people with auditory impairment.
(4) Keep your phone charged
A major cause of inability to receive calls is a dead phone battery. Calls will not go through when the battery of the receiver is flat. Keeping phones charged at all times in an environment with epileptic electricity supply can be very challenging. In situations where you find yourself with a low battery and no electricity supply to charge the phone, having a power bank and solar-powered lanterns with charging ports might prove quite invaluable.
(5) Take your phone everywhere
Yes, obvious but just as important. If you download calls regularly, you don’t want to miss the calls and even having to call back with your own credit. Take your phone everywhere with you, don’t leave it on the couch, in your bedroom, or anywhere you are not present. Keep the phone in your pocket, hand bag, or hold it in your hands. Low battery might tempt you to want to drop it to charge while you go somewhere else, but a viable solution to that would be to download a power bank as suggested earlier.
(6) Stay in areas with good telecommunication network
If you are in a place where there is low network coverage, chances are whoever may be trying to call you will be unable to reach you. Either the call will not go through at all, or the call so inaudible both you and the caller are stuck in an endless “please say that again; I can’t hear you clearly” situation. It is best to stay in locations where your network operator is strongest. Now this doesn’t necessarily mean you go climbing your network carrier’s telecom pole to make calls; they cover very vast areas of land. All you need do is to always stay within area with full network bars and you are good to make and receive calls as they come.
(7) download a Bluetooth call earphones
For those whose regular schedule requires that they move about within a specific space, it might be too cumbersome to carry your phone around, or keeping running back to your desk when the phone rings.
A way you can avoid missing most of your calls will be to download a Bluetooth call earpiece. So when your phone rings, all you have to do is just tap a B.utton on the earpiece and you are on to the call…just like that.

Tuesday 26 December 2017

3 Weird Reasons Why Ladies Friendzone Guys

Are you the type that is always asking “Why doesn’t she want to be anything more than ’just a friend’ to you?”. To be “friend-zoned” is an act most guys are familiar with; one that has applied to them on a number of occasions for varying reasons.
The term is used to explain a situation where someone wants to be more than friends with another person, but that person is satisfied with being just friends and does not want to entertain the idea of a romantic relationship. Ladies are known to friend zone guys most of the times and they do this at times for ridiculous reasons
Below are some reasons why ladies friend zone guys.
“I know too much about you”: One would expect women to feel comfortable with a guy who no longer has secrets from them, right? but funny enough, some see this as a reason to not say yes to a friend who hopes to become more than friends, it’s ironic that woman want a guy that hides nothing but say no to the one that has shown them everything about himself – past and present”.
“You’re too nice”: “This is pretty hard to explain too, considering how women generally pine for a guy that will treat them with affection, love and kindness”.
“You know too much about me”: “If a guy knows all the good and bad things about you and still feels he wants you despite all that, then you can be sure he has thought about it and has no qualms with those things and women also want a guy who would take them the way they are, someone who recognises the past is the past and would love them regardless, right?”.

Friday 22 December 2017

Dear Ladies! 7 Things That Can Make Your Man Drift Away

When the gap in your relationship keeps getting wider instead of the initial closeness you both shared then it will automatically turn your relationship to a strained one. Have you noticed that your partner has been distracted in your relationship and you keep asking yourself why? Below are some reasons why your partner might be drifting away and causing a major strain on your relationship.
Boredom: “Let’s keep it real, people get bored in relationships and your man’s no exception and when there isn’t effort from both parties to engage in the relationship and to keep things fun and exciting, the mind will wander”.
Emotional infidelity: “Couples often think of physical infidelity first when it comes to trust violations in the relationship and often overlook emotional infidelity but based on emotional intimacy, emotional affairs are one of the biggest threats to relationships and because they are often framed as innocent friendships, they aren’t always the easiest to detect, when there are problems in your relationship, your man may look to someone else to fill the void”.
Lack of communication: Communication is the main thread that keeps your relationship balanced, if there’s a major shift in communication and you and your man aren’t talking the way you did in the beginning of the relationship, it’s inevitable the relationship will begin to fall apart”.
Little compatibility: “When you’ve been with someone for a long time or are past the honeymoon phase of the relationship, you or your partner may realize over time that you have little compatibility or aren’t compatible at all, the minute your man realizes that you have little to nothing in common, drifting is inevitable”.
Cheat!ng: “There’s no denying that Cheat!ng in any form will cause your man to drift, Cheat!ng not only takes away from your relationship, it destroys trust, a key element to the success of any relationship”.
Suppressed arguments: “If there are issues that your man isn’t communicating to you related to unhappiness in the relationship, they can and will turn into will turn into resentment with the relationship”.
Ongoing Arguments: “When arguments are constant, they will tear the relationship apart and while you may think you’re dealing with the confrontation by taking the issue head on, if the same things keep coming up with no set resolution, there’s an underlying issue that isn’t being dealt with, whether you or your man is fueling the argument, ongoing arguments only hurt the relationship and if not dealt with in a positive, mutual way, will cause your man to drift”

3 Things Everyone Should Always Say NO To In A Relationship

No matter the level of love you have for a man or what people say there are some things no one should ever tolerate in a relationship because some things can never change and you should not confuse your partner being in love with you and being obsessed with you.
Most people often confuse everything and then they either end up suffering theirselves or their partners. Below are things you need to draw lines to or things you need to say a big NO to in any relationship.
Cheat!ng: “Cheat!ng can never be a mistake, though, a one time thing can be a mistake some times, Cheat!ng is like the mother of all the problems that can ensue in a relationship, someone who cheats ones has the potential of doing it all over again and the second time, they will be better at hiding their tracks so take Cheat!ng seriously because the simple act of Cheat!ng speaks volume about your relationship and a person who cheats does not respect the honesty of your relationship or obviously wants more out of it so desperately that they would go ahead and find other ways to get it and secondly, once your trust breaks, it does not recover completely, it will leave you in torturing position making you doubt your partner unconsciously”.
Abuse: “No one deserves to be tortured or pushed around in any way, there are different kinds of abusive relationships and none is worth putting up with, many people think that their abusive partner will get better with time, the truth is nothing gets better it only becomes worse so whether they are verbally or physically abusing you, whether they are telling you to leave your friends and family for them and constantly belittling you, you should draw the line because before you know it they will start hitting you don’t put your health or safety in jeopardy for the sake of love”.
Partner who blames you for anything that goes wrong in their life: “At times people always have a hard time accepting their shortcomings, they constantly need someone to take their blame for them, you don’t have to feel otherwise because what happens in their life is as a consequences of their choices, though, they feel that everything they do is perfect only you could make mistakes and every time something bad happened in his life, you are to be blame for it”.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Ladies: 5 Things That Happen To Your Private After Childbirth

There is a lot that happens during labour and delivery, especially if one have to undergo vaginal delivery as it is this female genital that helps a woman expel babies out of the womb and goes through the stresses and strains of childbirth.
So it is only logical that a woman’s vag!na changes after delivery, although those changes are nothing drastic, but the vag!na does behave and feel differently after post pregnancy.
Below are the changes that happens to a woman’s vag!na after childbirth.
It feels different: “The best thing about the vag!na is that it is elastic in nature, a reason it can expand to the maximum while the baby is coming out of the birth canal and help in a vag!nal delivery and after delivery it does return to its normal shape but it loses some of its elasticity and this is the reason why it feels loose and wide, it also remains sore and bruised right after the delivery, which heals with time but it never goes back to its pre-pregnancy shape”.
It carries a scar: “Sometimes during the delivery the perineum refuses to tear on its own, in such cases, the doctor has to make a scar from the vag!na to the anus to make the delivery smooth and after the delivery the mother receives stitches to stitch the area and once the stitches dissolve the scar remains there for a longer time and mind you it takes time for the area to heal”.
It loses its resistance power: “Urine incontinence as it is called, since the muscles of the vag!nal walls become lose the vag!na finds it difficult to hold on the pee for long and one might leak even while sneezing or coughing, incontinence doesn’t get better with time; one might need medical help if it gets severe, to counter incontinence”.
It hurts during s3x: “It does and it does for a long time, this makes one abhor s3xual intimacy and it dips one s3xual quotient with the partner, an episiotomy healing, regaining vaginal vigour all takes time and this is a reason why it takes months or sometimes years for a woman to get back her s3xual interest”.
It gets drier: “Low levels of estrogen make the vagina go dry, this dryness can make sex painful, give rise to uncomfortable symptoms like itching, burning, dampness that can pave way for certain infections”.

9 Drinks & What They Say About The Girl Drinking Them

Every girl has her drink of choice, but what does that drink say about the girl drinking it?